What is Customs Importer Code or Customs Client Code?

Businesses interested in importing or exporting goods to Dubai need to register their business in Dubai Customs and receive a import code. In order to obtain a code, a valid trade / commercial license issued by a competent authority in the U.A.E. is mandatory for businesses. Documents Required to Obtain Import code :- 1)valid trade […]

Global Container Shipping Company in Dubai

Our Global supply chain management is a leading provider of supply chain management solutions. For over fifteen years we have been helping business to streamline their procurement and logistics operations, bringing about abundant cost-saving benefits and time in the process. Over the years, we have acquired a broad understanding of just how vital a Global […]

Import & Export

When you are into a business trade in goods, even if its electronics, clothing or other wares, or perhaps you want to bring in some product samples before parting with large payments for a more massive shipment. Alma cargo extends convenient Cargo/Courier Import & Export service for all shipments, parcels, and documents. We can receive […]